“NSU Law Fest 2019”was held today, 1 April at North South University


North  South  University  Law &  Mooting  Society, a  student organization under   North  South University has organized the second installment of  their signature event  titled “Law  Fest  Season II”. This three days long event will continue from 1 April to  3 April  consisting  nine  different segments  in it.

Honorable Mayor of Dhaka North City Corporation, Md. Atiqul Islam has graced the event as the Chief Guest of the Inauguration ceremony. The session was chaired by Vice-Chancellor, NSU, Professor Atiqul Islam and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Designate) Prof. Dr. G.U. Ahsan has graced the event as the guest of honor.


In the speech of Mayor of Dhaka North City Corporation, Md. Atiqul Islam said, the NSU students will have to promise me that we will all make this city safe and affordable. At this time, he mentioned that the main reason for the accident of our city is the lack of awareness and non-observance of the law. That’s why he wants to create a team with students who will work to increase public awareness at different levels. During the event Vice-Chancellor, NSU, Professor Atiqul Islam said, we have many laws in our country but there is no proper application of law. He also pledged to the newly elected Mayor, very soon a Disaster Management Team will be be formed who will work with the mayor to improve the social development and public relations.

After   the   inauguration   ceremony,   the   event continued  with  its  second  segment  titled  ‘The  Law  Fair’  in  the  Plaza  Area  of  the  North  South University  premises.  8  stalls  were  there  from  where  the  visitors  collected  much  information  on various  different  laws  and  their  applications  as  Family Law,  Laws  of  Torts  and  others.

Among others, Member, Board of Trustees, NSU, Mr. Mohammed Shajahan and Mr. Benajir Ahmed, Deans of different schools, Administrative heads, Faculty members, other senior officials, students and participants of different universities were also present on this occasion.