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NSU Department of History and Philosophy (DHP) organizes a seminar on Philosophical Challenges of Climate Change


Porikroma Desk : On the 20th of February, the Department of History and Philosophy (DHP) of North South University (NSU) organized a seminar on the Philosophical Challenges of Climate Change. The seminar featured Dr. Samuel J. M. Kahn, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Indiana-Purdue University, USA, as the key speaker.

Dr. Samuel highlighted the need to do something to control climate change, but also noted the philosophical challenges that come with this issue. He discussed three major challenges: the causal impotence objection, the nonidentity problem, and the distribution problem. Through examining these challenges and their proposed solutions, he aimed to help the audience understand their obligations in the face of anthropogenic climate change.

The seminar ended with an engaging question and answer session where participants got the opportunity to interact with the key speaker and have their queries answered. Dr. Abdur Rob Khan, the Dean of the Arts and Humanities School, expressed his gratitude to the participants and Dr. Samuel for sharing their insights and making the seminar a success. The chairman of the Department of History and Philosophy, Dr. Emdadul Haq, concluded the seminar by thanking Dr. Samuel for his contribution and the audience for their active participation.

The event was attended by students and faculty members from various departments of NSU, making the seminar a lively atmosphere for intellectual discussion and learning.

Overall, the seminar was a great success, with the audience gaining a deeper understanding of the philosophical challenges of climate change and their role in addressing this critical issue.
