Porikroma Desk : North South University’s (NSU) Aerosol Research Group recently returned from China, where they participated in two consecutive conferences held at prestigious institutions.
The team, comprising undergraduate students Nazifa Nawyal and BM Zuhair Siraj, showcased their research at the China University of Geosciences (CUG) in Wuhan and the China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) in Xuzhou. The conferences, held from September 16th to 19th, 2023 and September 20th to 22nd, 2023.
Nazifa Nawyal, a final-year undergraduate student and a member of NSU’s Aerosol Research Group, won the Best PICO Poster Presentation Award at the Atmospheric Environment Remote Sensing Society (AERSS) 2023 annual meeting in Wuhan. Her presentation, titled ‘Coal-fired Power Plant Local and Regional Impact on Aerosol and Gas Composition: Implications for Human Health’, highlighted the far-reaching consequences of coal-fired power plants on air quality and human well-being.
BM Zuhair Siraj, also an undergraduate student, received tremendous appreciation and encouragement from distinguished professors and scientists for his presentation titled ‘Climate Change and Air Pollution Impact on Asthma Prevalence over Dhaka City in Bangladesh.’ His research shed light on the critical connection between climate change, air pollution, and public health in Bangladesh.
In Xuzhou, the NSU team actively engaged with the international researchers from Italy, Finland, China and the USA. They also made a guided tour of the CUMT campus from 20 to 22 September 2023. They also experienced riding the electric bikes and saw the entire CUMT campus and its last 100 years of historical academic success since 1909.