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“Researchers should aim to redefine the existing theories to expand into new knowledge domains” Professor Dongmei Cao at NSU


Porikroma desk : The North South University’s Department of Marketing and International Business (MIB) hosted a webinar entitled ‘Theorizing Through Literature Review’ on 4 March 2024.

Dr Dongmei Cao, Associate Professor in Business Transformation and Course Director for MSc Business Transformation at Nottingham Business School presented her keynote speech at the webinar. Dr. Dongmei is also an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Management Reviews and the Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, and a Guest Editor for Resource, Conservation, and Recycling. Dr. Helal Ahammad, Professor and Dean of the School of Business & Economics, NSU joined the session as Chief Guest.

Dr. Cao addressed a few issues that early and mid-level researchers must consider head-on including choosing innovative research subjects and avoiding redundancies.

Mentioning 8 key reasons for EIC desk rejection, Dr. Cao encouraged the participating faculty members to ask a few important questions. ‘Is your literature well-synthesized with a framework?’, ‘Does your work put forward a clear contribution that is supported by a convincing argument?’; these, along with many other crucial questions were asked. Dr. Cao shared details of her colleagues at IJMR (International Journal of Management Review) and ended her speech with the hope of future collaboration between NSU and IJMR.

Dr. Helal Ahammad thanked Dr. Cao in Mandarin which brought quite a jovial atmosphere to the seminar. The Dean asked for Dr. Cao’s assistance and guidance in the upcoming International Conference by the SBE NSU. Future collaborative publications were also discussed. Dr. Helal ended the session with a note of gratitude to his colleagues for arranging such a series of seminars and workshops.
